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  • Writer's pictureRZOC

ZOE Scores 0 NCAP

The new ZE50 ZOE has been tested by the Euro NCAP and has scored a scary 0 stars on the test.

This is due to the ever-changing NCAP ratings and safety growth within the market meaning the ZOE has not met the higher standards that NCAP require such as AEB, ACC but most of all the ZOE has had a major feature removed from the new ZE50 that has caused extreme worry within the owners of the *NEW ZOE ZE50*

Renault has removed the higher side airbag on the vehicle causing concerns over whether Renault has now breached a safety feature within its main selling point of years past. The New ZE50 now only has the lower torso airbag meaning the higher part of your body including your head is now at risk of extreme injury if you were to have a side-on collision.

As a club, we are now standing hard and fighting to get Renault to correct the issue as quickly as possible for its owners, No one in life should be put at risk by cutting corners without letting people know such changes have been made.

Please follow the link here to respond with your complaint:

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